Virtual reality

Beginning to End - Dark Factory: Creative Collaborator, AV/VR Design of Dark Park, Charlie Athanas

My creative collaboration on the project started with someone I had never met (but not a stranger) appearing in my Twitter DMs with a question. “Hi Charlie! If you ever want to chat about AR/VR, I would love to hear your stories/perspectives.” Since it was Kathe Koja, whose many books lined my bookshelves, I was surprised, intrigued, and more than willing to talk with her about Augmented and Virtual Reality. She was working on Dark Factory, an “immersive novel” which involved a nightclub featuring futuristic technology that allowed the high-end guests to play around with reality. Kathe was interested in what was currently feasible in reality-shifting technology and what was coming down the pipeline.

Beginning to End - Dark Factory: Creative Collaborator, AV/VR Design of Dark Park, Charlie Athanas